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Leveraging digital asset compute to support the energy transformation

MARA Price:


Active Data Centers
AS OF 6.30.24


Continents of Operations
AS OF 6.30.24

1,100 MW

Available Compute Capacity
AS OF 6.30.24

31.5 EH/s

Energized Computing Power
AS OF 6.30.24


BTC Treasury
AS OF --


Energized Hash Rate
AS OF --


Fleet Efficiency
AS OF --


Mining Facilities
AS OF --

About Us

MARA (NASDAQ:MARA) is a global leader in digital asset compute that develops and deploys innovative technologies to build a more sustainable and inclusive future.

MARA secures the world’s preeminent blockchain ledger and supports the energy transformation by converting clean, stranded, or otherwise underutilized energy into economic value.

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A Global Map
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Our digital asset compute portfolio spans multiple states and countries. We manage large grid-connected deployments that reduce energy waste and inefficiencies, as well as small, dispersed deployments that transform stranded or wasted energy resources into more productive and sustainable assets. At MARA, we excel in optimizing energy use on a global scale.

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MARA is a publicly traded company (NASDAQ: MARA). Our investor relations website includes detailed information on our financial performance, our latest corporate updates, SEC filings, and more.

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Partner With MARA

Our technologies empower energy companies, nation-states, and institutions to accelerate the energy transformation. By deploying highly adaptable, flexible, and scalable data centers, we help optimize unused or underutilized energy. Partner with us to leverage our unique expertise in data center operations. Together, let’s build a more sustainable and inclusive future.

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